01 Overview
Setting a sustainable standard
Kingspan Insulated Panels is a leader in the building products industry when it comes to sustainability. Planet Passionate, Kingspan’s 10-year global sustainability program, is a unique commitment that sets ambitious targets across four focus areas and sets Kingspan apart from its competitors. Pipitone worked with Kingspan to raise awareness of Planet Passionate and Kingspan’s dedication to sustainability.

02 Services
Pipitone developed an integrated marketing campaign to promote Planet Passionate that centered around a new educational website, known as the Kingspan Sustainability Resource Center, and included print and digital advertising and social media to promote the site in top industry publications.
- Marketing Strategy
- Creative Concepting
- Copywriting
- Graphic Design
- Web Design
- Print Advertising
- Digital Advertising
- Social Media
03 Impact
Since its launch, the Sustainability Resource Center has earned more than 11,000 total page views. The site’s homepage has had 6,500+ views and the Planet Passionate marketing landing page has over 2,000+ views.